Why should you quit smoking?
Why should you quit smoking?
While everyone's reasons for quitting are different, there are various variables to consider before a user feels ready to begin their stop smoking journey. That said, we're here to share some of the most common motives voiced by our clients throughout the years. What are the chances? Perhaps there are some more external elements you haven't explored that could provide you with additional motivation(s) to quit smoking right now!
Quitting smoking will lengthen your life expectancy
Smoking combustible cigarettes has the potential to reduce your life expectancy by several years. It's a frequent belief that once harm is done, it can't be undone. However, positive health improvements can occur as soon as 20 minutes after you last smoked a combustible cigarette.
. Carbon monoxide levels in your blood return to normal after 12 hours after smoking cessation. Your shortness of breath will lessen one to nine months later. Your risk of coronary heart disease drops to half that of a smoker after a year. Thus, your risk of lung, mouth, throat, oesophagus, bladder, cervix, and pancreatic cancer is reduced to half that of a smoker ten years later. As you can see, it's never too late to say goodbye to a combustible-free lifestyle while still reaping the benefits.
To put things in perspective, according to the World Health Organization, the following are the advantages of continuing:
Gain over ten years of life expectancy by the time you're 30.
Gain 9 years of life expectancy at the age of 40.
Gain 6 years of life expectancy at the age of 50.
Gain three years of life expectancy at the age of 60.
People who quit smoking after a heart attack have a 50% lower risk of having another heart attack.
What are the best ways to quit smoking?
Because quitting cold turkey isn't the greatest option for many people attempting to quit smoking, it's crucial to think about which nicotine replacement products you'd like to use before making the switch. There is no one-size-fits-all approach to quitting smoking, and because everyone's routines, habits, levels of addiction, and tastes differ, you may need to test a range of nicotine replacement solutions before finding one that satisfies your needs.
Make a strategy: To give yourself the best chance of quitting effectively, you need to know how dependent you are on nicotine, how ready you are to quit, and what approach you prefer.
Combining nicotine replacement medications is a good idea: While e-cigarettes are the most effective nicotine replacement solutions for addressing mental and physical addictions, you may wish to augment your strategy with nicotine gum or the patch, as well as behavioural therapy such as exercise and group counselling.
Do you have any further measures in your strategy to prepare, quit, and avoid relapse? Leave a remark below to encourage people who are on the fence about quitting smoking.