What are Hyde Nicotine Disposables?
What are Hyde Nicotine Disposables?
Are you finally quitting smoking and making the switch to vaping?
Making the switch allows you to take care of yourself. However, there’s still so much for you to learn. For instance, what type of e-liquid will give you the closest experience to smoking? What type of vape pen is right for you?
To answer the latter, you’ll have to review different products. For now, we’ll be talking about Hyde nicotine disposables.
These are disposable pens pre-filled with e-liquid (and nicotine). Find out more about it below.
What Are Hyde Nicotine Disposables
Vaping should be a fun experience for everyone. But, between the dependency on charging, refilling, maintenance, and so on, it can be quite a chore to sustain this habit. Disposables solve that problem so you can have all the fun without all those hassles.
When these Hyde nicotine disposables run out of juice, you don’t have to refill them or replace a pod. The amount of juice and nicotine depends on the variety you purchase. You don’t even have to charge them as they will last until after you’ve emptied them.
Once they’re empty, you only have to get another from your stash to continue vaping. Make sure to dispose of the pen properly.
Convenience is the main advantage of disposable nicotine. They’re pretty small, as well, so they’re quite easy to bring and hide in your pocket. When you’re always on the move and have no time to pause and tinker with your vape pens, this might be a better option for you.
Hyde has around 20 flavors you can choose from. It shouldn’t be a problem for you to find your favorite, and trying them all out should be fun on your part, too.
Types of Hyde Nicotine Disposables
What makes Hyde stand out is the wide variety of disposables they offer. Aside from the various flavors, they also have different types. This can get confusing, so here’s a handy guide:
Hyde Original and Original Plus
First off, we have the original series, the first products of this brand. You might want to start with this if you want to be safe.
The “OG” has 1.8 mL vape juice, containing around 25 to 50 mg of nicotine. For reference, 25 mg of nicotine roughly equates to smoking one pack of cigarettes. It runs on a 380 mAh battery, which won’t run out before you finish the juice.
You can choose from 17 standard flavors, including Mango, Krazy Kustard, Spearmint, Lush Ice, and many more. There are five more flavors in the Menthol series and another five in the Tobacco series.
The Original Plus is pretty much the same, except it’s bigger. It has 5 mL of e-liquid, 50 mg nicotine, and a bigger battery. One notable difference is that it has an upgraded airflow system. This makes for a smoother puff than ever.
Hyde Color and Color Plus
The Original looks good, but if you want fun, vibrant aesthetics, then the Color and Color Plus variants will have you sold. They also have the standard, menthol, and tobacco flavors.
The Hyde Color device has 1.6 mL vape juice and 25 to 50 mg nicotine. Its battery works out to 280 mAh.
The Color Plus edition is the bigger version with 5 mL capacity and 50 mg nicotine. For this variant, you’re limited to the standard flavors, but those are still abundant. A cool feature that’s not found on Color is the adjustable airflow.
Hyde Slim and Slim S
The Hyde Slim is the thinnest option, carrying only 1.3 mL vape juice. It has 50 mg nicotine and a 280 mAh battery, as well. The flavor options are still plenty, although it’s a bit taller than the original.
The Slim S version is a recent addition. It has more colorful designs with a slightly smaller capacity, having 1.25 mL of e-liquid.
Hyde Edge
The Edge offers a larger option, having a 6 mL capacity and 1,100 mAh battery. Its nicotine level is still at 50 mg.
Aside from being bigger than most options, it also uses upgraded airflow technology. It comes in standard Hyde flavors, so you have plenty to choose from.
Hyde Curve, Curve Max, Curve Plus, Curve S
What’s different about the Curve series is the shape. While other series come with curved edges, this one is full-on round. It can look smaller and more compact as a result.
First from the series is Curve with 1.6 mL e-liquid, 50 mg nicotine, and 310 mAh battery. The flavor selection is fewer, but 14 still gives you a lot of fun options.
Curve S only has a slight difference over the original Curve. It has a 2 mL capacity and a 400 mAh battery. It also comes with menthol and tobacco flavors.
If you want more out of your vape pen, then the Curve Plus might be better for you. It comes with a 5 mL e-liquid and 1,000 mAh battery.
Curve Max is an even larger device with better battery life and more juice – 8 mL, to be exact. This makes this variant the biggest in the Hyde family. It also has the added feature, adjustable airflow.
Hyde Duo and Duo Plus
Hyde is all about making the vaping experience more fun, which is why we have the Duo series. It’s a 2-in-1 disposable, which means it has two flavors in one compact design. The selection is small for now, but it still likely has your favorites from Hyde.
As for the capacity, the Duo variant comes pre-filled with 2 mL vape juice. It carries 50 mg of nicotine, and it runs on a 370 mAh battery.
If 2 mL is not enough for you, get the Duo Plus with twice as much power. The puff count totals 1,100 as opposed to the 400 to 500 of the original Duo.