Homemade Lavender Vanilla Creamed CannaHoney 🍯🌿
A Cannabis Concentrate-Infused Condiment, So Good You’ll Want to Bathe In It
What You’ll Need
Here are the ingredients & tools you’ll need on hand…
Crystallized honey (pictured right) or creamed honey (1:9)
Raw uncrystallized honey (9:1)
1 teaspoon dried lavender
Vanilla bean or 1 tsp. vanilla extract/flavoring
1 gram cannabis concentrate
Pestle and mortar
Food scale
Ardent Nova FX
Storage container
Have you ever opened your raw honey jar noticed that there are huge crystals? It’s not a fun texture. You usually have to heat the honey up to break it apart or suffer through the chunks.
And then I learned about creamed honey, sometimes called whipped honey. It’s crystallized honey that has been broken down into a shape that makes the honey spreadable 🤯!
It’s a solution to the inevitable problem of raw honey sitting for too long.
Now, there are two ways to start this recipe, you can take the easy way or you can take the long, hard road. The easy road, is going to your local grocery store and purchasing already prepared creamed honey unless you have some.
The other option (and there are many) is to use a pestle and mortar on your crystallized honey, and grind the mess out of it. I mean like 40-60 minutes.
I opted for the latter and whipped out my pestle and mortar and pounded my little heart out.
I pounded until the texture of the honey was silky smooth beyond the large chunks, then sandy texture, until it reached it’s final state.
Once my seed honey was done, I weighed it on my food scale. This step is important because you need about 10% seed honey to 90% uncrystallized raw honey.
Next, mix the seed honey with the raw honey until well combined. Then add your vanilla bean and lavender to the honey and mix well. Pour honey over the cannabis concentrate in the infusion sleeve in your Ardent Nova FX.
Start the infusion cycle on the Nova FX, and enjoy your time while Ardent does the heavy lifting. Once you get the green indication light, it’s time to pour your honey over a sieve and into your storage container.
I chose to recycle an old cannabis jar! In California, brands are required to pack cannabis in child-proof packaging and it creates so much waste! This storage option was perfect.
From here, patience is required. The honey must crystallize and that can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks! And it has to be stored at 50-60 degrees fahrenheit.
My honey was done after 8 days. I placed it in my refrigerator to speed up the process. Pair with fresh bread, tea, or as a topping.
How To Make It
Add cannabis concentrate into your Ardent and start the decarboxylation cycle until light turns green. 🌿
Pour the honey over your decarbed concentrate in your Ardent and start the infusion cycle until the light turns green. 🍯
Place sieve over opening of your storage container.
Pour honey infusion into sieve, using a spatula to help push honey though.
Seal jar and store it at recommended temperature.
The honey is done when it’s hardened and spreadable, about 1-3 weeks.